Saturday, May 23, 2009

New screen on the screen door.

When I was growing up on Wainwright Dr. in San Jose, CA, my dad and I changed out the screen on the screen door what seemed like twice a year... I am sure that it was only a couple of times in the years that we lived there. Today, I did it myself. You can not see the screen but it is there.

Friday, May 22, 2009

New door and windows.

I still need to paint the door, but at least we have a new one that lets in light and is put in the correct way.
Now, everyone in the neighborhood will know that we got new windows. The new window have a sunblock and make the windows dark.

A view from the inside of the bedroom looking out through our new double hung windows. They look great and are easy to operate and clean.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nice day to golf at the Ridgewood C.C.

The Ridgewood C.C. is just across the street from the main office in Waco where I work....
It's 86 degrees and 38% humidity. It can't get any better weather to golf. I of course just drive by on my way home.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rachel walking to school.

I decided that Rachel was mature enough to walk to school. She did a great job watching for traffic.
When Rachel saw that I was taking her picture, she held up the milk bottle to hide her face, quite "the celebrity".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cat on the roof.

JoAnn and I were sitting in the front yard this afternoon, talking about our day, when I spotted a across the street; a neighbors cat on their roof.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nice spring day

The weather is unseasonably cool today. 72 at lunch time, so when I came home for lunch I just though we need a picture of the front of our home.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The New Number Lock

Today, we went to Home Depot to purchase a new lock and handle for the new front door that will be installed on Friday. We also decided to pick up a number lock set for the carport door. Stephanie will now not have to worry about loosing a key or the key not working in the lock.